Hand-crafted Leather-based and canvas bag which can be utilized as a handbag, messenger bag and computer bag. This bag has a robust brown Leather-based deal with and a brown adjustable shoulder strap for simple wearing. It has 2 snaps and 2 Leather-based straps that shut the bag and stay the whole lot protected. It could suit your computer with simple. It has a couple of Inner zipped pockets which will appropriately hang your pieces. The scale are 16 inches duration, 3 inches width, and 14 inches in peak and the load is roughly 2 kilos and the colour is brown Leather-based and blue canvas.
Canvas and Leather-based Bag
Dimensions: 16 inches duration x 3 inches width x 14 inches peak
Inner Zipped Pocket
Leather-based Hand Strap
Adjustable Shoulder Strap
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